The Departments of Business Services are responsible for purchasing and paying for goods and services on behalf of the university and for processing purchases and payments in compliance with policies set forth by the university, sponsored projects, the Internal Revenue Service, and the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration.

Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
USC Procurement and Strategic Sourcing mission is to support the university by applying the best methods and best business practices when acquiring goods and services. Within the context of the university environment, Procurement & Strategic Sourcing will promote the development and use of procurement and strategic sourcing processes that, in turn, promote the pursuit of excellence and the best interests of USC, while maintaining the highest possible integrity, broad based competition, fair and equal treatment of the business community, and increased economies and efficiencies in the procurement process.
Corporate Cards
USC’s corporate cards are designed to simplify payment and tracking of purchases made by university faculty and staff. The P-Card is the recommended form of payment for USC goods and services costing less than $5,000—except for travel, dining and event-related goods and services, for which the Travel Card should be used.
Eligibility is based on your department’s business need and is contingent upon approval from your Senior Business Officer. You must be on active payroll status with the university to qualify for either a P-Card or Travel Card.
USC Payment Services’ mission is to support the university by applying the best methods and best Payment Services ensures all disbursements of university funds are done in accordance with university policy and within Federal and State regulations. This means providing external as well as internal customers with the most efficient, precise, and prompt service.
Travel & Expense
Plan, book, and request reimbursement for
university expenses and business travel. The Travel & Expense Portal (SAP Concur) supports all university-related business expenses for travel, events, meals, and non-travel purchases for faculty, staff, students, and guests.
Mailing & Material Services
Mailing and Material Management Services is responsible for the administration and operation of incoming and outgoing mail and all shipping and receiving of items for the university. Primary duties include the pickup or receipt, sorting, and delivery of all university incoming, outgoing, and
USC Business Services offer online training and support for the following business processes:
- Travel & Expense Portal
- Jaggaer Marketplace
- Invoices and Payments
- USC Corporate Cards
- Bulk Payments
- USC Supplier Portal
- Trojan Talent Source

USC values the quality of its suppliers and the strength of its collaborative partnerships. The departments of Business Services work in tandem with university suppliers to provide professional, responsive, and quality goods and services in support of the University of Southern California’s (USC) academic, research, social and economic goals. Additionally, Procurement Services collaborates with the Small Business Diversity Office (SBDO) to reach the university’s goal to procure, regardless of source of funds, 15% of all purchases with diverse suppliers, including woman, minority, and veteran-owned businesses.